General questions and common asks about the LOGICLY platform and the respective tools within.

          This article was last reviewed and updated on 5/4/2023

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Quick Search by Application:

Overview | Fund Screener | US ETF Categories | ETF Top Trends | Fund Flows | Compare 

Overlap & Correlation | Portfolio Analysis | Portfolio Coach | Side-by-Side | Reverse Lookup

What is LOGICLY?

LOGICLY is a comprehensive web-based analytics and portfolio management platform for advisors to automate their day-to-day portfolio management workload. With powerful features like Portfolio Coach, LOGICLY is designed by experts to simplify investment management. It frees up advisors to focus more on clients, find new opportunities, mitigate the risks and better secure their client's financial future. All while also building their own businesses.

Are returns in LOGICLY calculated as Total Return?

Yes - all returns in our platform are total returns.

Can I add a cash position to my portfolio?

Yes - users can also add a cash position to the portfolio composition - use the search string $ to look for $CASH - USD. The applied currency for the cash position will be the same currency as the portfolio or fund. Ex: If your portfolio is set to USD, the cash position will be denominated in USD. If your portfolio is set to CAD, the cash position will be denominated in CAD.

How do I reset my password?

  1. Go to: app.logicly.finance
  2. Press Don’t remember your password? and follow the instructions.

How do I set a benchmark in LOGICLY?

Through either the Portfolio Analysis tool, the Side-By-Side tool, or through the Settings menu, you can create a customized benchmark for a specific portfolio and save it as a default. When you set the benchmark, it will be assigned to that portfolio throughout every tool within the platform.

I generated a PDF of the portfolio I ran. Why isn’t the download of the file coming up for me?

Portfolio reports can take a few minutes to compile all raw data within it. When it’s ready you will receive a notification on the upper left side of the page as well, as a 1 above the notification bell on the upper right side. Additionally, all reports are saved to the Documents tab in your account view on the upper right side of the page.

What custodian integrations does LOGICLY have set up?

Currently: Redtail, Schwab, and Pershing (Shareholder Services Group). Please review the latest integration options on the Integrations page of your Account.

In the LOGICLY Marketplace tool, what does the 1.0 or 0.6 number, etc. mean?

It’s the risk and cost-adjusted return. The calculation looks back at the latest backtested performance of the last known portfolio in the series. We then calculate (1-year return - 1-year expense ratio or cost) / annualized volatility.

Does LOGICLY have index data?

Coming soon.

Does LOGICLY have Separately Managed Accounts (SMA) data?


Is the data on LOGICLY real-time?

LOGICLY's data is T-1, end-of-day for the previous business day. Ex: If you log into the platform on Tuesday morning the data displayed will be as of market close Monday.

Fund Screener 

How do I look up a specific fund?
There are two ways:
  1. Under the Quick Filters or All Filters select Ticker Search and input the ticker and if multiple tickers, separate with a comma.
  2. In the top Search bar just simply type the ticker you are looking for and select from the drop-down.
How can I search for a group of funds that are classified as a certain theme? For example, ESG or Volatility?
  1. Under Quick Filters or All Filters, select the General filter and scroll down to the Tags section. Start typing what you are looking for and select the choices that appear in the scroll down.
  2. Alternatively, you can type the theme you are looking for in the search bar at the top and select the pink Tag option that appears to get that group of funds.
Is there a way to search for funds by ranking? For example, funds with the highest volume or lowest expense ratio?
Yes. Under Quick Filters or All Filters, scroll down to the Rankings filter. The database is set up in deciles. For example, if you are looking at funds with the highest volume, you would type in 9 to 10 to show the top 10%. The results will show you the top 10% of the highest volume funds.
Can I save filters to use in the future?
Yes. Follow the steps below to save the filters for future use.
  • Select Quick Filters and select Save Filters at the top.
  • Name your filter in a descriptive way that is easy to remember later what the search was set to include.
  • Anytime you want to retrieve that saved filter go back to Quick Filters and your saved filters will be available under Custom Filters.
Can I create custom views in the Fund Screener tool?
Yes, by following the steps below:
  1. At the top of the Screener page, click the Show more, which will show all the views that are available. If you want to create your own view with certain columns you can create a custom view.
  2. To create a custom view, click the ADD + button. The Custom View Editor will open up.
  3. On the left-hand side, in the Search box, you can begin typing the field you are looking to include. For example, Return and then select the time frame you are looking to include. You can include as many of these fields as you would like and you can customize the order by moving around the fields on the right-hand side.
  4. Be sure to name the view so you remember what the view includes in the future.
  5. Press the Apply button to save the custom view.
How do I screen for all US Fixed Income ETFs?
Go To Quick Filters or All Filters, choose General, and  then in the General section select:
  • Asset Class: Fixed Income
  • Security Type: ETF
  • Trading Country: United States

Alternatively, you can use this link to navigate directly to this filtered Screener view.

I see missing data or empty cells - what does that mean?
There could be multiple reasons for missing data:
  • Some fields in our system are not applicable to all securities. (for e.g. ESG scores are not available for fixed income securities, MF classifications are not available on ETF securities)
  • There is an issue loading data from one of our many providers - if so, please report this to us using the Chat function in the bottom right corner.
  • This data is not available from the fund issuer itself.

ETF Top Trends

How do I see this by issuer/geography/sector/etc.?
Go to the  Fund Flows app.

Is this only for ETFs or mutual funds?

This particular app is available for ETFs only because most ETFs disclose their shares outstanding on a daily basis. Most mutual funds do not disclose this data on the same level of frequency.

How do I look up a specific fund? (see beyond top 10)

Navigate to the Screener tool and see all the available views by clicking the  Show more button. Select the Grouped Flows or Trailing Flows (cumulative) views. For more details on the Screener app see the Screener Quick Start Guide

What is the longest time range option to run top trends?

YTD is the longest time period, however, users may look up longer history in the Fund Flows section of the Screener tool.

Can I download this chart as a PDF or share it with a Twitter or LinkedIn post?

Not currently. As an alternative, you can take a screenshot of the chart and share that.

Portfolio Analysis

How do I create portfolios?

NOTE: Shares are the preferred format for creating portfolios. Portfolios MUST be in shares in order to be grouped in households and be integrated into our Portfolio Coach.

  • Select My Portfolios from the home page or the toolbar.
  • Creating portfolios on the platform:
    • You can create portfolios manually by entering the ticker and % weight; simply select the Add button to add additional securities.
    • You can also adjust between percentages, shares, and notional value by clicking next to Size: in the top right-hand corner.
    • Make sure the total sums to 100%.
  • Uploading existing portfolios from a CSV file:
    • In the Actions drop-down at the top right, select Upload.
    • You will need to make sure that your file only has two columns: Ticker and Shares, Ticker and Percent, or Ticker and Notional. 
    • Make sure the file is saved as a CSV file.
    • Select Upload and locate the file on your computer to upload to the platform.
Can I set a custom benchmark?
  • A benchmark can be an ETF or Mutual Fund, a combination of funds, or another portfolio. It is not index data.
  • For example, to create a 60/40 equity fixed income portfolio as the benchmark, you can create a portfolio of SPY at 60% and AGG at 40%
  • When you press Select a benchmark on the right-hand side, all portfolios you have created will appear and you can select any of those to be a benchmark.
  • You could also just type in a ticker as the benchmark. For example, in an all-equity portfolio, you could use SPY.
H ow many portfolios can I create on LOGICLY?
As many as you want to create.
Can I convert a saved watchlist to a portfolio?
Yes, when you select the watchlist go to Actions and select Convert to Portfolio.
Can I customize the layout and options for a portfolio analysis report/PDF?
Yes, you can select/deselect from the available options, drag them in the order you would like, and you can also add your firm's logo to the report for branding purposes, as well as customize the title page of your report. Users can also select the PDF orientation and have the option to truncate long tables or suppress items that are not PDF friendly. 
Can I create a hypothetical portfolio?
Yes, you can modify any portfolio and save it as a new portfolio. Once saved, you can use the Side-by-Side  tool to compare the current portfolio against the hypothetical portfolio.

Portfolio Coach

How are the default settings applied?
We scan each portfolio and automatically classify it as either: Conservative, Balanced, or Aggressive. The system default settings are set based on the portfolio's classification. You can change this easily by clicking on the gear icon in each tile.
What does "Add to Coach" do?
This tells the platform to start monitoring this portfolio on an ongoing basis. You may have sample portfolios saved that don't require monitoring by the Portfolio Coach tool.

What does "Integrations" mean?
If a portfolio is integrated with a 3rd party provider, such as Dataphile, Schwab, or Redtail, then a green checkmark validates that the integration is working correctly to pull regular updates. A red cross indicates the portfolio is not set up to integrate with other systems or that the integration has failed its latest update attempt.
How do I create a group/household?
  • Portfolios that you want to "group" or "household" together must already be uploaded or created in My Portfolios.
  • In My Portfolios select the Create new group button on the left-hand side above the list of your portfolios.
  • In the menu that pops up, you are able to name the household and select which accounts you want householded together by selecting the checkbox on the left-hand side.
  • Once all accounts are selected, press the Apply button in the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up. 
What is the Similarity Score?

One or two categorical scores are aggregated into a single Similarity Score to help quantify the degree to which pairs of securities would contribute similarly within a portfolio. At the moment:

  • Equity or Equity-linked securities: Performance and Exposures-based Similarity Scores.
  • Fixed Income Securities: only Performance-based Similarity Score.

Reverse Lookup

Can I search for funds that contain more than one security?
Yes. In the Search box, type in the first symbol and select the correct ticker from the generated drop-down list. This adds it to the box on the right. Continue adding as many tickers as you would like to add to the search.
Does this only show ETFs?
No. It defaults to ETFs but you can select the checkbox on the top left side for Mutual Funds.
Can I do a reverse lookup from a saved portfolio or watchlist I have?
Yes, next to the search box in Reverse Lookup there is a load button where you can select the appropriate portfolio/watchlist you prefer.

Compare Tool

Quick Start Guide

How many funds can I compare?

You can compare up to 10 funds at a time when using the Compare tool.

Can I save my results?

Yes. In the top right, click the SAVE icon. Create a name for the saved result and type any relevant notes. Saving your results creates a read-only snapshot of the results that can then be retrieved on the platform by going to the Account > History.

Can I run a comparison from a saved watchlist or saved portfolio?

Yes, first make sure you have a watchlist or portfolio selected on the left side slide bar then on the right side of the page click load and select the watchlist or portfolio you want to run.

Does Compare work for single stocks?

Yes. The Compare tool works for Equities, along with ETFs and Mutual Funds.


Quick Start Guide

Side-by-Side does NOT backfill when running comparison. Therefore, historical returns will be of a shorter timeframe than what you will find in Portfolio Analysis, where backfilling IS used.

The Side-by-Side app allows you to compare two portfolios against each other by returns, volatility, or exposure to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of each. The app opens up the entire portfolio in order to provide basket-level statistics. This app, however, works with ETF portfolios only – non ETF Symbols will be filtered from the results when applied.

To run a Side-by-Side comparison, you have the option to create a new portfolio or load existing portfolios. There are some advanced options available to configure the comparison calculation if you like, namely, return percentage, observation, and rebalancing frequency. Once the portfolios have been added and the discretionary advanced options have been configured, press the Apply button.

The Side-by-Side comparison shows up at the bottom of the screen. Some of the metrics available are Summary, Comparison Table, Historical Performance, Asset Class Breakdown, Geography Breakdown, etc.


Fund Flows

Quick Start Guide

What are my options for finding a Fund Flow analysis?
  • Asset Class
  • Issuer
  • Geography
  • Peergroup
Am I able to set a custom lookback period while running a fund flow analysis?
No, but this is on the roadmap to be implemented in the future. Currently, you can select YTD, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years.
Can I save this analysis as a PDF to send to a client?
Yes, go to the upper right side of the page and select the PDF button and follow the steps.

Overlap & Correlation

Can I compare more than 2 securities?
Yes, enter all securities in the input field.
Does the overlap tool show dividend yield results?
No, but that data can be found in other tools on the LOGICLY platform such as Portfolio Analysis.


Quick Start Guide

What is the difference between the Charting Tools in Overview and Advanced Charting Tools?

Both tools share very similar functionality. The main difference is that Advanced Charting tools allows you to to load up multiple funds or an entire portfolio, whereas in the Overview you can only load up the security being searched in the tool along with a benchmark comparison.